The arrival of the (...) (2022)

Crises take our footing, they unsettle and question our conception of the world. Whether of personal, political or social relevance, their effects require both emotional and aesthetic reappraisal. The group performance choreographed by Carla Vollmers takes this reflexive process as its task. Based on literature by Paul Preciado, Hermann Hesse as well as her own autofictional texts - The arrival of the (....) deals with the role of individual systems and routines in the context of our society. Vollmers focuses on moments of upheaval, change and transformation. By linking ideas, imaginary images, text and music, the performers invited by Vollmers generate their very own physical language. In this form, they are able to respond to the texts written and recited by Vollmers. An abstract narrative runs like a red thread through the choreography: the egg. To hold on or to let go? The egg will break open - or will we preserve it? To hold on or to let go? In The arrival of the (....) Vollmers fuses movement, sound and language into a three-dimensional collage that deals with the seriousness of our reality in a dream-like manner.

Choreograpy, music, costume, text Carla Vollmers

Performers Leon Hammerla, Laura Hrgota-Jannene, Luca Lang, Fan-Yu Pu.

With a silicon-piece by Un-Zu Ha-Nul Lee.

Exhibitiontext by Vivien Kaempf

photos: 1 Pauline Schey, 2-5 Esra Klein